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50 Riders Take Part in The Gymkhana Race War IIMS 2014

 50 Riders Take Part in The Gymkhana Race War IIMS 2014

A total of 50 riders will take part in the Gymkhana Race War 2014 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS). Automotive carpet akbar to-22 itself will be held at the Expo Center Jakarta, Kemayoran, Jakarta, September 18 to 28 by 2014.

The visitors will be treated to IIMS 2014 akasi speed, agility, accuracy, and the sound of tires screeching grind the asphalt. Visitors can automatically menontok IIMs have the free action free of charge.

War will bring the Gymkhana Race 5 class. Class division is done based on the capacity of the engine and drive-wheel system, namely 1000-1200 cc FWD, FWD 1201-1400 cc, cc 1401-1600 FWD, RWD Free For All, and Free For All FWD.

"We still maintain Gymkhana rules as last year. Trajectory will use a double track, it's just that the track is wider and will be challenging participants Gymkhana and spectacle more appealing to visitors IIMS 2014 participants is limited to 60 participants. Safety side trajectory for participants and especially the audience remained our priority, "said Eko Anondo, ART Sport Club Director.

"It is our fourth year to enliven (sponsor) mat IIMS. We provide support for Gymkhana is a new and very enthusiastic participants. Gymkhana is able to accommodate the riders who has the potential, especially young rider, "said Arijanto Notorahardjo, GM Marketing and Sales GT Radial.

"Competition remains we are prioritizing on the mat Gymkhana, although the GT Radial as the main sponsor. Because we believe the GT Radial Champiro SX2 can be competitive in this Gymkhana event, "said Ari

Gymkhana is a motorsport element that provides the speed and accuracy at the time of the track. Gymkhana is different from other motor sports, because it combines the technique of driving drift and slalom in Gymkhana which has a track crossing obstacles 180 degrees, 360 degrees, figure 8, and other obstacles.